From Failure 2 Success

September 21, 2011

How You Can Overcome Playing Small
In 30 Minutes Or Less

From Failure 2 Success - Your Soul Guidance - Saskia Roell

Oh, I’m so stupid!” she said.

Marcie tried to dial in to the Soul Tribe Coaching Call for the first time two weeks ago. She dialed the number and couldn’t get in. When she was finally able to connect to the call she realized that she had said, “Oh. I’m so stupid.” at least 20 times before she got through.

The call happened to be about our commitment to our Small Self.

Marcie was stunned. She wrote me: “Until last week I said, “I am so stupid” all the time. It was a frequent response to many, many things. I used it all the time. I really didn’t think it was serious or damaging it was just a glib phrase. I really didn’t even think about how offensive it was to my Soul Self and how damaging it was to my life.”

We all have a subconscious Small Self commitment, which keeps us small and in a place of fear.

The good news is that with ONE simple step we can turn our Small Self committment into our Soul Self commitment so we can live our biggest life and move from failure to success.

And that’s what we did this week in the Soul Tribe!

This week, every member of the Soul Tribe found their Small Self commitment. It was shocking and liberating to find out that we all have a phrase that is keeping us in a small life.

Usually your Small Self commitment is formed at young age. I guided everyone back to the initial moment of when this commitment was formed for the first time. It was quite amazing for some.

For Marcie the moment her Small Self commitment was formed was crystal clear. She took us back to when she was in third grade.“I was such a happy child, I lived in a blissful world and grew up on a farm. I could talk with the trees, the animals and my artistic talents gave me such joy.

Until one day my world collapsed. Everything changed in that instant. As I was working on a project in third grade, my teacher spoke the words: “Marcie, You Are So Stupid!”. Forty years later I’m still telling myself the same thing. Over and over again.”

After she took the Soul Guided steps on the call, Marcie turned her statement around and told me, “I can never use those words again. I see how they’ve damaged my life. My life has radically changed and I feel so liberated since this call.

Two days later she’s started to organize an art festival. Guess what’s she’s saying to herself now…( smile)

Are you impeccable with your word? (This is the first agreement of the teachings of Miquel Ruiz).

What is that ONE THING you have been saying all your life that is keeping you small?

Do you realize you are fighting your own Soul?

Every Soul Tribe is a deep-coaching experience. To discover where you are, how you got there, and why it blocks you from where your Soul’s path is leading you is earthshaking and so empowering.

If you’d like to find out more about the Soul Tribe, check us out here.

With Love,

Saskia Roell

As a Soul Guidance Coach, radio host, bestselling author, co-author with Jack Canfield, Stephan Covey and Deepak Chopra, international speaker, clairvoyant healer and mother of five, Saskia successfully cracks open the lives of her clients to bring their Soul purpose alive. Using her own life as living proof that extraordinary choices lead to an extraordinary life, Saskia expertly helps others do the same.

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