Going With the Flow

September 15, 2013

gowithflowAlign your goals with the vision and voice of your soul to achieve your destiny!

When you are in alignment with your Soul’s desires, the Universe conspires in your favor. Things go with the flow, and synchronicity is part of your manifestation process. It is fun! Your goals suddenly seem easier to achieve than you thought.

The one thing you must do is act on the inspiration and impulses that are given to you. Do not wait for later because by then the quickening is gone.

Years ago I wanted to attend a seminar with Doreen Virtue. I had a very strong desire and kept hearing messages that I should go. My only concern was how to get the $1,200. Of course, we all know that if this workshop was meant to be for me, the money should not be an obstacle stopping me from going.

One day as I was on the phone with a client, I told him that his next session could not be scheduled the following week because I was in the midst of planning a trip to Doreen Virtue’s seminar. It was silent for a moment, and then he said, “I was told by Sai Baba to give you $1,200 (how did he know the exact amount I needed?) on loan, and that you would pay me back many years from now at a moment when you feel like it.”

Miracles happen! Yes, they do! And not only by praying and vision boards, but by actively pursuing your goals and making your move before you have it all figured out.

Years later I contacted that same client and asked him how he was. He was in the midst of planning a trip to the ashram of Sai Baba in India. I asked if I could pay back the money. Apparently, at that time it was exactly the amount he needed for his airfare.

Have you ever had an experience like this? I am sure you have.

If what you want is not in alignment with your destiny – the one your Soul envisions – you feel the forces of resistance push against you. Those are the moments you wish for a miracle but it doesn’t happen.

I’ve had plenty of these moments too, and the problem is that it sometimes takes a bit of time to become aware that what you want is not in your highest good.

So let’s tune in.

What are your goals?

If you feel passionate and happy about your goals, I’ll bet they are in alignment with your destiny. Go for it and pursue them.

How do you know if they are aligned with the vision and voice of your Soul? If things go in the flow, they are.

Just make sure you’re daring enough to express your absolutely unique voice.

That’s what the Universe supports. Be playful with your Soul this week and allow her to move out of any box.

With love,


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