Today I want to share three ways to help you to turn around worry.

I talked yesterday with a dear friend about how we deal with fear. Some people go into overwhelm, give up, or escape in different ways.

If you’re anything like me, I go into concern and worry mode. Not that it has ever helped me or that any of the worst-case scenarios I’ve imagined (my imagination is very BIG) came true.

Whatever we do, it’s always about fearing a negative outcome concerning something that hasn’t happened yet.

“What if…” (and we fill in the worst-case scenario). How many “what if’s” are floating around in your mind?

How do you deal with fear? Here’s what you can do:

#1. Read the quote at the top of this post, and if you have a hard time giving away all your worries and concerns for a full day, do it only for a few hours.

That’s what I did when I practiced this technique for the first time. It’s like going on a vacation from your mind.

Ultimately this is the BEST strategy you can ever use. (I am still in practice mode). This poem is glued on my Dream Board. I don’t know who wrote it.

The first time I played with this strategy for a couple of hours, I drove to the bookstore Barnes & Noble, and the book Ask And It’s Given by Abraham Hicks dropped in my lap.

I said, “Is it really that easy?” It must be so, but as human beings we aren’t used to letting go and letting God.

#2. Create a belief statement and say: “I am in the process of trusting that… ” Fill in the challenge you’re struggling with, and end with a positive outcome.

#3. Every time you catch yourself worrying, instead of saying “I worry,” say, “I wonder,” and focus on a positive outcome.

Let me know what happens, I’d love to hear from you.

With love,

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