Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient Japanese practice that works like acupressure to balance your body’s energy by using the fingers and hands.

Through holding certain fingers with one hand you can influence your spiritual, physical, and emotional wellbeing.

You only need:

  • 1 minute
  • 2 hands

You use one hand to wrap around the specific finger of the other hand.

    • Hold your thumb to ease your worries. This also helps for digestive problems.
    • Hold your index finger to ease your fear. This also helps to supply energy to your muscles, bladder, and kidneys.
    • Hold your middle finger to ease anger. This also helps for headaches and problems with your gallbladder, liver, and blood.
    • Hold your ring finger to ease your sadness. This also helps for problems with your lungs and large intestines.
    • Hold your pinky finger to bring balance when you have little energy and life feels tough. This also helps for problems with your heart, small intestines, and bones.

With Love,


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