I Buried My Beloved Dad

February 10, 2014

A few days ago, I buried my beloved dad in Holland.

When you stand at your father’s grave, you walk through memory lane and realize that remembering (re – member – ing) means that part of him that is part of you.

It means that I must own that which I’ve judged and that which I loved in him so dearly.

Because our technology is so advanced today, I was able to talk with my dad as he was dying in Holland, even though I live in America.

I told him through face-time (on my iPhone) how much I love him and what a great dad and granddad he’s been. And as I said my last words to him, I suddenly understood why he was so full of love and light.

Until that moment I never knew that dying people give off light.

All the stories drop and the masks fall off. Only the love of their Soul remains. How blessed I was! The next day he passed.

This was a rare opportunity, and I cannot encourage you enough to tell your beloved ones out loud what they mean to you. We assume they know, but they don’t always. The spoken word is powerful.

I believe (and I acknowledge that you might have another point of view) that you choose your parents before birth for the highest evolution of your Soul’s journey. Therefore, in order to live your Soul’s purpose you must take responsibility for your choice. And I promise you, it’s liberating. I found deep peace in doing so.

Two of the questions in The Soul Signature Program are:

    • What have you learned from being the daughter or son of your dad? 
    • What was the most difficult and what was the gift in this?

When I spoke my dad’s eulogy, it was so precious and vulnerable to feel that I asked myself: Do I want to claim my legacy in full? Can I? Will I?

I say Yes. And with my deepest gratitude for being his daughter, I am no more. It feels very powerful, and I know that this will greatly impact my life.

With love from Holland,


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