merry & bright

Do you love to create magic and miracles during Christmas? So let’s focus on what makes you feel good instead of frustrated in this busy time just before Christmas. We all know that feeling good sets the Law of Attraction in motion.

Here are a few ideas that you might find helpful…

This week I interviewed Sue Elliot (creator and editor-in-chief of the Law of Attraction magazine) on my Breakthrough Miracles radio show. We had a wonderful conversation about how we can spend the holidays with more joy in our hearts.

It inspired me to write to you about how to feel joy in your heart and stay open for magic and miracles in this “tricky” holiday time.

A lot of us feel stressed; therefore, I want to address some of the questions I talked about with Sue.

#1  What is the perfect gift?

There is no such thing as a perfect gift other than choosing to give from your heart. Focus on the appreciation and love for that person instead of crossing her off your to-do list.

Think “out of the box,” and let your heart speak. At our Christmas party last Friday, my friend Karen gave me a bag of organic homemade scones from a very special bakery in Salem. That’s a gift that touches my heart deeply.

#2  How can you say NO to all the delicious foods?

Tune into your body and say YES to the foods that not only taste good in your mouth, but feel good in your belly too.

There are plenty of healthy and delicious foods to eat. Be sensible and don’t beat yourself up if you slip. Go into the season with some extra love for your body, instead of fear that you might eat too much. Feed your Soul with appreciation.

#3  How NOT to lose your mind in the long lines at the mall.

Okay, I actually use that term ‘lose your mind’ on purpose because it’s easier to remember. Get out of your mind when standing in line. You can’t change the outer circumstances, so you better make the most of it. For example, you can take a few deep breaths. Or count your blessings. Or shift your focus to your dream for 17 seconds. That’s powerfully playing with the Law of Manifestation.

And here’s one more tip to shift energy and align your energy to a higher vibration:

Move stuck energy in your house. Take out the clutter of 2013.

Last week I hosted an event in our house for over 200 people. Some of you reading this were even there!

Therefore, I cleaned out corners that I’d rather not touch. You know, that stuff you don’t even notice anymore because it’s just there… It felt so good! And the shift it created was MAGIC.

Shifting and moving things around in your home creates positive shifts in you, too. It energizes you.

Look around your house now. Spot a place with stuck energy. Don’t judge it. Move it.

Wishing you a heart full of joy during this magical season!



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