Miracle Club
Start Living The Life You
Secretly Dream About, Right Now.
you’re in the right place!
Let Me Show You The Breakthrough Miracle Map to the Life You Yearn For.
Have you ever wondered why some people can be successful at EVERYTHING they do, while you’re still struggling?
How some people are just born with it when people like you have to work for it?
Perhaps you would do anything to get a life like them?
Here are just a few of the miracles I’ve seen…
- I’ve been working for two decades helping people find their heart’s desire. I watch miracles daily.
- I see dozens of men and women find the love of their lives when they’ve given up all hope.
- I’ve seen women give birth after they’ve been declared infertile.
- I’ve seen businesses turned around from bankruptcy to huge success.
- I’ve watched people have no clue as to what their life was about to successfully create their own business, go on world-class adventures, and heal themselves from chronic illness.
Guess what?
There’s a Map to Miracles!
That’s right.
Looking back at what happened to my clients, I realized there is a step-by-step map to reinvent yourself easily and joyfully.
With these 5 steps, you can make changes when you come across big stumbling blocks that stop you on the road to success.
Now after a lifetime of navigating life’s most challenging tests I am ready to share with you the Breakthrough Miracle Map to the life you adore.
Miracles aren’t woo-woo events.
They happen because you are ready for them, you prepare for them, and you make them happen.
But we all need help when we encounter different stages of life.
So let me give you the Map. Let me help you at this stage of your journey.
You Really Want.

But Doesn’t Know How to Get There.
Here is a highly touching, high-value way for you to make any life-changing decision, heal relationships, change careers, reinvent your life the way you want it to be, and make your dreams come true.
I’ve created a Club to help you move forward, get unstuck, and stay on course with higher guidance… at an affordable price that won’t break your bank.
You can have a happy life even if you’ve never had success, lack self-esteem, or whatever other excuse you’ve been limiting yourself with.
And that it can be easier than you think.
So many of you are trying to run your life the hard way, and I’d love to show you the easy approach to life, now.
The Miracle Club has become a powerful breakthrough method for so many! Each month I make sure to help you move forward and stay focused on making THIS YEAR your Best YEAR, no matter when you join!
Here’s What You’ll Get…
The 5-Step Miracle Map to Make ANY DREAM YOU HAVE come true.
And that’s not all…
You also get:
Deep 90-minute Coaching Group call each month with Q&A to answer your personal questions.
- Warning: Deep changes take places on these calls. Come prepared to transform.
- Weekly Video: The 2-Minute Monday Miracle Reminder.
- Private Facebook Forum to share your insights and breakthroughs.
- Instant Access to Saskia on the Forum.
- Guidance to move forward on Your Soul’s Path
- How to heal your Money Blocks
- How to attract your Soul mate
- Having a healthy body and keeping it that way
- A Roadmap for when you feel stuck
- Be A Healthy Decision Maker
- Freedom from Limiting Beliefs
- Instantly Access Your Higher Self
- Gain Confidence and Courage
- Power & Connection Meditations
- Chakra Clearings
- Methods To Grow Your Life’s Purpose
- Mini-Soul readings each month from Saskia
- Monthly Matrix Energetic Tune-up
- Gain Amazing Career Insights
- All mp3 files of the live calls will be sent to your inbox
Here’s how to get started now:
Join us live each 3rd Tuesday of the month at 1:00pm EST.
“As a mother of 3 children, a wife to a very busy career-minded husband, and a part time professional myself, it’s extremely supportive to have the Miracle Club in my life because growth and expansion on a personal level are top priority for me. The Miracle Club is a learning experience for me.
Saskia’s vast knowledge, wonderful storytelling ability and clear clairvoyant intuition make her a fantastic teacher. The guided meditations, the powerful exercises designed to expand awareness, and the energy healing are helping me to consciously create the life I want for myself and my family. Thank you, Saskia, for your guidance, wisdom, empowerment and magical energy healing sessions!” ~Linda
“This group is very powerful. Even though we are physically sitting in different towns, I feel your INTENSE healing presence. Together we successfully began unraveling layers of deeply imbedded negative belief patterns around our abilities to achieve financial success today.
I see now that a missing link was being willing to “claim the responsibility of a life without my limited belief.” A revolutionary awareness for me, in fact! I’m blessed to have you in my life as my Soul Empowerment Coach and to be a member of the Miracle Club.” ~Jenna

~Mary J

YES Saskia I’m ready!
$67 per month
GUARANTEE: If for any reason you are not astonished at the insights and the solid map to achieving the life you dream of, we will cheerfully refund your money. But I’ve seen so many miracles, and I’m so sure you will love the Miracle Club, you’ll never want to leave!

- Guidance to move forward on Your Soul’s Path
- How to heal your Money Blocks
- How to attract your Soul mate
- Having a healthy body and keeping it that way
- A Roadmap for when you feel stuck
- Be A Healthy Decision Maker
- Freedom from Limiting Beliefs
- Instantly Access Your Higher Self
- Gain Confidence and Courage
- Power & Connection Meditations
- Chakra Clearings
- Methods To Grow Your Life’s Purpose
- Mini-Soul readings each month from Saskia
- Monthly Matrix Energetic Tune Up
- Gain Amazing Career Insights
- All mp3 files of the live calls will be sent to your inbox
YES Saskia I’m ready!
$67 per month
Maybe you’re thinking:
“I’m not ready.”
This is the single biggest excuse we use to put off a happier, richer, more fulfilling life. Yet you are longing for your breakthrough, getting unstuck and become unstoppable in moving closer to your dream. When you join us in the Miracle Club, you will become ready in surprisingly delightful ways in a very supportive group of people.
“I’m too busy.”
This is a subconscious excuse. This is how you block your dream. I will show you what lies beneath your busyness, and how to conquer the fear of slowing down (yes, it can be done!) so that you have time for making this year your best!
“I can’t afford it. Maybe later.”
If it’s this or the rent, then you really can’t afford it. But if you are choosing in your heart to stay where you are, this is an iron-clad excuse. What is it costing you to stay where you are? Or have you settled? When you join us you’ll find that your life opens, your abundance increases, you laugh more often, and many doors begin to open to you.
YES Saskia I’m ready!
$67 per month
If you are ready for a happier life, enjoy the freedom of having me as your personal coach every month.
I know what you’re capable of.
I can hear the dream in your heart.
And I look forward to seeing the miracles that will bloom in your life.