Crossroads: A Prelude to Transformation

October 23, 2012

Saskia Roell's Coaching Programs

Is your Soul pushing you to take a leap? Don’t run and hide.

Crossroads are a prelude to transformation.

There have been many crossroads in my life and it wasn’t always easy to live up to the expectations of my Soul. At each crossroad, you have to stop and re-evaluate the script of your life and ask yourself:

Where am I going?

Is this path aligned with my Soul’s calling?

When I met my current husband ( while he lived in Taiwan, I lived in Singapore) and shook his hand, my Soul whispered, “This is the man of your life. He’s the one.” I was shocked because I was already married and thought we were happily married. I answered that I couldn’t leave on the spur of the moment.

But my Soul was very clear. She said: “Do it.”

That crossroad definitely made me re examine my life. People advised me to stay in my marriage. They wanted a good explanation. They said: “It won’t work out and you will regret your choice.”

Rationally, my first husband had it all and our life in Singapore was fantastic but deep down my heart yearned for something more.

To make a long story short I listened to my Soul and left him, leaving myself with no money, no job, and no home. Everybody thought I was crazy. How can you just follow your heart and give up everything when you only know a guy for 4 days?

Of course, it was heart breaking even though I knew this was the only path to take.

The truth is when you want to be true to your authentic self, sometimes you’re asked to risk it all because you believe in the guidance of your Soul. 

I gave up my certainties to move to Taiwan and live with a man I barely knew. Destiny is clearly not concerned about location. At that time, we’d only spent four days together since our initial meeting half a year earlier. We had only spoken by phone a few times.

My heart knew enough. We married – the only Dutch couple – according to Chinese tradition, with 12 other Chinese couples, and our first child was conceived in Taiwan. We now live in America with our five children.

Are you wanting to take a leap? If your Soul says: “Do it”, do it, and jump! You’ll be okay.

I’d love to hear from you.

To your courage!


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1 Terry Semon October 24, 2012 at 6:23 pm

Hello Saskia,
Thank You for your beautiful inspiration and all of the heart felt information you share with us. You often make me smile and add warmth to my heart. This world is changing and I welcome it.
Love and Blessings to you.


2 saskia October 24, 2012 at 6:58 pm

Love and blessing to you Terry! love Saskia


3 sandra October 24, 2012 at 1:17 pm

i think am on a crossroad but am not sure which guy is for me both of the driks that makes me fill uncornfortable to be with as a christian i believe its God who change people


4 saskia October 24, 2012 at 6:58 pm

You will know… your heart has the answer… love Saskia


5 Tone October 24, 2012 at 12:20 pm

Dear Saskia

Thanks so much for sharing all the good news with us.
It is fantastic that you lip of fait turned out as it did.
I have a similar story, left all for a mand, sorry to say found out to late that maybe he after all, wasn’t the write one. I ended up in California, Yes beautiful California. After a short time there whith him. California wasn’t so beautiful anymore neither was he no wost of all I had left my job and it was close to impossible to go back and get a job in my field nor stay out there and get on.

Hope you will have a great week


6 saskia October 24, 2012 at 6:57 pm

Sometimes we don’t realize what lessons we have to learn and it seems that thing don’t work out… but that’s from the Soul’s perspective not so. Keep your faith and tune into your heart and ask your heart where it wants you to put your energy. What brings you joy? Move into that direction. You are doing fine Tone! You are beautiful and amazing. love Saskia


7 Kim October 24, 2012 at 11:50 am

Dear Saskia,

I am right now in the same phase of life. It’s been over 4years I am divorced and now all of a sudden I can hear something inside telling me that we are going to be united. But on the other hand the voice says nonsense we will never get back together. It’s impossible.. Oops I have no idea what to do… I am struck.. But there is sometime inside very strongly asking me to hold on.. We will be married again… I wish I had all the answers but I really don’t know.. All these years yes I have remembered him but never felt this way… All of a sudden I can see myself confused and wondering which way to go…. I am lost….


8 saskia October 24, 2012 at 6:55 pm

Visualize what you want and affirm that the highest and best solution will be provided. if you get a sign, act on it. Ask the Universe for signs to move you in the right direction. If you want to take action, you must…, there’s no such thing as failure… love Saskia


9 Kim October 25, 2012 at 6:33 am

Dear Saskia,

Thanks a million.. You fill my life with so much of hope and positivity. You are so right.. Without me asking I can see the Universe giving me signs related to all the sweet memories me and my ex-husband.. For examples when I and my husband were together the songs we use to dedicate to each other.. I keep running into those songs time n again.. Any radio station I tune into I hear those songs.. I come across his name all of a sudden on tv or while I am reading..

Thank you,
Love you Saskia


10 Pastor C.David October 24, 2012 at 11:25 am

Hi Saskia,
Let your articles are so much blessings.Let the God Jesus may bless you ,your husband &Your Children abundantly.

We invite you as a family please do come to ,kanyakumari,Tamilnadu State in India.Please visit our Trust inmates.We are happy to accommodate you.
Thank you


11 saskia October 24, 2012 at 6:53 pm

Thank you! Love Saskia


12 Pam Furno October 24, 2012 at 11:14 am

Hi Saskia! Much has happened since our call a few months ago. I am grateful that the universe has supported me in my quest for more passion. I know not where my journey will take me but I am OPEN to any and all on ramps of life. For four years I have relived what I wasn’t able to do for my husband after suffering multiple surgeries and with the assistance of others (in the most peculiar of places!) I am now on another road filled with acceptance and less guilt; the guilt still shows itself but in thanking the universe daily I find myself on a less traveled journey filled with hope. Peace to all. Pam


13 saskia October 24, 2012 at 6:52 pm

You sound so courageous Pam. Its always amazing to see how the road unfolds as we keep walking. I know new doors open for you. Love Saskia


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