Your Soul is the Only GURU You’ll Ever Need

May 23, 2012

Did you see the solar eclipse on Sunday?

Because, it impacts your life in a huge way. This eclipse spiraled us into a whole new alignment, which only happens once in 25,920 years. We are shifting in the GOLDEN AGE  We are absorbing more light than ever before. That means you can get clarity more easily than ever before on anything that is pressing in your life. If you ever wondered what to do next…

Your Soul Guidance - Saskia Roell

Here’s the absolute truth: Your SOUL is the only GURU you’ll ever need.

When you carry more light, your vibration rises to a higher frequency, which means it’s less hard work to access your unlimited potential and bring forth your wildest dreams. Following the whispers of your Soul will feel natural to you.  Isn’t that the best news?

You’re at the edge of moving in a bigger and bolder version of you—the one who’s not settling for less. So if you feel out of sync, don’t worry. You are in the alignment process. It’s a great sign!

On last Monday Morning’s Soul Card Reading, The Phoenix indicated resurrection and surrender to change. Many things can happen: a relationships ends, a job falls away, or something else. A rebirth is taking place, and the old will fade away. 

Expect that your Soul’s voice will be loud and clear in this process of transformation.

Be courageous enough to listen and surrender to be led to your best destiny.

  • Without a shadow of a doubt, your Soul will ask you to move out of your comfort zone, because only then will you discover what’s possible for you.
  • Old beliefs, habits, and stories have to go. You might feel confused or need clarity and assistance in this deep journey of change. If you need my support, check out the New Soul-reading and Matrix Energetic Healing Session, which has been especially designed to help you shift and give you clarity and courage to move forward.

To ignite your courage I want to tell you a story about how miracles happen when we listen to our Soul.

Years ago at a fire walk in New Mexico, I had to make a choice that changed my life forever. 

Before the fire walk started we were asked to meditate and ask our higher self (I call my Soul my higher, or larger, self) if we could walk the fire. We had to ask for a symbol and how many times we could walk the fire. I heard that I could walk three or four times.  

That scared me. Three times seemed like A LOT of time in the fire! This was obviously my Soul talking. She said to walk with ease and grace.  When it was my turn to walk, instead of walking with ease and grace, I ran and burned my feet. 

I felt so stupid when I looked at the blisters. How was it possible for me to walk three more times? I tuned within and asked if I could walk again. I heard, “Yes, you can walk three more times.” Imagine how that felt!

This was the most crucial moment of surrendering to the wisdom within. It was a test if I dared to walk the path of the Soul.

It took a lot of courage, but I walked three more times with my burned feet through the fire. It was a miracle because the coals felt like cotton balls. The fire healed my blisters.

Miracles happen when you let your Soul be your guru.

1.  What has your Soul been asking you to now do in your life?

2.  Are you ready to take a leap, step into the Golden Age of adventure, and go after your biggest dreams?

Here’s a way I can help serve you better.

Let your higher Self’s voice come barreling through, loud and clear, and reserve a Soul-reading along with a Matrix Energetic Healing Session.

You won’t even recognize yourself in the end.

Things that have been holding you back will move, and you can get on with living a life you WANT! 

Click here to reserve your spot now
, and I will see you soon!

With love,



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